Queued instructions

When a setting is changed in the remote control, this change is copied to the house-control in the house. Due to the asynchronious communication, explained in Latest update, the change will be persisted on the server, to instantly be passed on to the house-control hereafter.

If more settings are changed before conducted to the house-control, they are queued. A list of queued instructions is shown at top to the right on the overview screenshot (see figure 1).
If the house-control is unable to communicate with the server (and deploy the desired changed), the instructions are automatically kept for 24 hours on the server.

Always keep attention if your instructions are getting deployed, by confirming that they are processed and moved from the list shown in figure 1. If the process time extends, the second best indication to that instructions will be processed in very near future, is to ascertain that the time for latest update is no older than max 2 hours.

Figure 1 - Queued instructions

The connection type is crucial to how long the process time will be. This is true for both getting the current status, and to change settings. Click here to read more about the connection type.

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